Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Adult Basic Life Support


Posting kali akan saya coba utarakan tentang "Basic Life Support" untuk orang dewasa. Tujuan pemaparan ini adalah untuk orang awam (bukan tenaga kesehatan). Semoga bermanfaat.

Kita sadari bahwa peran kita yang mungkin saja sebagai orang yang pertama kali menjumpai korban (jatuh pingsan, tersumbat jalan nafas, tenggelam, henti jantung mendadak atau lainnya) sangatlah penting. Kemampuan dan keterampilan kita untuk memberikan Basic Life Support akan membantu mengurangi angka kematian atau resiko / komplikasi yang dihadapi korban.

Pengertian Basic Life Support

Basick Life Support adalah Bantuan hidup dasar yang diberikan untuk mempertahankan kehidupan saat penderita mengalami keadaan yang mengancam nyawa. American Heart Association memberikan definisi sebagai berikut :

"Emergency procedures performed to sustain life that include cardiopulmonary resuscitation, control of bleeding, treatment of shock, stabilization of injuries and wounds, and first aid".

Tahap-tahap Adult Basic Life Support

Pertama-tama harus diperhatikan adalah lingkungan/situasi. Perhatikan keadaan sekitar apakah cukup aman untukmemberikan pertolongan? Bila keadaan tak memungkinkan maka jangan paksakan diri anda untuk masuk ke lokasi yang berbahaya. Sebagai contoh bila dekat korban ada kabel listrik, maka singkirkan dulu kabel listrik tersebut. Bila yakin lokasi aman dari bahaya baru anda bisa memberikan pertolongan.

(Check for response)
  • Tepuk dan tanya korban : "are you OK?"
  • Jika anda sendiri dan menemukan korban tak sadar, segeralah "teriak" minta tolong, telpon nomor darurat dan kembali lagi ke korban untuk memberikan pertolongan selanjutnya. Bila anda berdua atau lebih, maka salah seorang bisa menghubungi nomor darurat dan yang lainnya memberikan pertolongan kepada korban.
  • Bebaskan jalan nafas korban dengan cara "tekan kepala angkat dagu" (head tilt chin lift). Bila ada benda asing yang menyumbat, keluarkan segera.
  • Check Breathing. Saat membebaskan jalan nafas, perhatikan pernafasan korban dengan cara lihat, dengarkan, dan rasakan (look-listen-feel). Lihat pergerakan dada. Dengarkan bunyi nafas, dan rasakan hembusan nafas korban. Bila korban tak bernafas maka : (lihat tahap selanjutnya di bawah ini).
  • Give Rescue Breathing. Berikan dua nafas buatan masing-masing tidak kurang dari dua detik, sampai dada korban mengembang. Pemberikan bantuan nafas bisa dilakukan dengan cara mouth to mouth atau mouth-to-mask. Jika korban bisa bernafas setelah pemberian 2 x nafas buatan, maka posisikan pasien ke posisi aman (recovery position).
(check circulation)
  • Jika setelah pemberian 2x nafas buatan korban masih tak bernafas, maka segera check nadi (nadi leher) dan rasakan selama 10 detik.
  • Jika nadi korban teraba lanjutkan pemberian nafas buatan sebanyak 10-12 kali per menit atau sekitar 5-6 detik tiap satu nafas.
  • Selama pemberian nafas ini, cek kembali nadi korban tiap 2 menit. (check nadi tidak lebih dari 10 detik).
  • Bila korban masih tak bernafas dan tak teraba nadi maka lakukan resusitasi (resuscitation / CPR).
Note :
Bagaimana melakukan recovery position dan CPR akan saya sampaikan dalam posting berikutnya.

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Lasik Surgery

Lasik Surgery
(information for public)

Do you have a poor eyesight? Or you have worn eyeglasses or contact lenses? This is the time to chang your style. Correct your eyesight problem with repractive surgery.

One of most popular of refractive surgery right now is LASIK surgery. What kind of surgery is it?

LASIK is the acronym from Laser Assisted in Situ Keratomileuses. Lasik Surgery is performed by using a laser to remove a defined of tissue from cornea.

The eye surgeon will use a special blade called "microkeratomi) and cutting laser to cut a hinged flap, outer layer covering front of cornea. The Flap will be folded back to access the tissue in cornea that needs reshaping then eye surgeon will target the specific parts of cornea. An anesthetic will used during the Lasik surgery to numb your eyes. Then the flap is put back into place and will heals without stitches.

After severe of Lasik Surgey, you might have any pain, then your doctor will give you medication or eyedrops to reduce that pain. It's better for you wear a shield over your eyes at night after Lasik Surgery until your eyes heals. This procedure can offer you to achieve vision close to 20/20.

This Lasik Surgery is starting to be famous no all the world. In the middle east country, specially in Kuwait when I have been working till now, the Lasik Surgery ia a favorit one. But on the other hand the high cost of Lasik Surgery Procedure become the one thing you have to consider.

Another type of repractive surgery that similar to LASIK is LASEK. Lasek (Laser Epithelial Keratomileusis) might be an option if you are not eligible for LASIK. LASEK is your choice if your coreas are very thin.

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Monday, September 11, 2006

Mesothelioma Lawyers

Mesothelioma Lawyers

How To Choose Them Correctly

by: Peter Rutherford

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that occurs in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers many of our internal organs. In around 80% of cases people who develop mesothelioma have worked in environments where they have been exposed to asbestos particles. The tumour begins as nodules in the pleura which surround the lungs, later invading the chest wall.

If your life has been affected by mesothelioma then you may deserve compensation. Filling a lawsuit is imperative although the process can be daunting. The most important step for you to take is to first choose the correct law firm or attorney.

Selecting an experienced and competent mesothelioma lawyer can be the difference between success and failure. It is important to do this as soon as mesothelioma has been diagnosed as there maybe deadlines to meet if your case is to proceed.

In the decision making process you should contact several law firms before making your final decision. There is a wealth of information available from various public sources and you may also benefit from contacting the governing body of lawyers in your country. It is best to select a law firm or attorney that you have a good relationship with and also one that has past experience of dealing with mesothelioma cases. You will also need to find out about the fees charged by the various mesothelioma lawyers that you contact. When you have your initial consultations you should be looking to the law firm to explain how they can help you. When you make your final decision it is advisable to obtain a written agreement from the law firm regarding any fees, and also some references that you can then follow up on.

The decision making process can be a difficult one. Some questions you should think about are:

1) Did the lawyer take the time to listen carefully to me?

2) Did they seem trustworthy?

3) What courses of action are open to me and what are the implications of these?

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Sunday, September 10, 2006

Personal Injury Solicitors UK

by: Ankit Maheshwari

Legal Claim UK is a network of specialist PERSONAL INJURY solicitors operating nationwide throughout the United Kingdom. Our lawyers have all been accepted to the Law Society panel of experts¹. We deal with claims using the no win no fee scheme and pay compensation in full with no deductions². Our claims scheme is completely risk free and you will not be asked to pay anything at all as the case proceeds.

In order to qualify for membership of the Law Society specialist panel a lawyer must display adequate knowledge of particular areas of the law mainly relevant to accident claims, ethical issues and professional skills. The law firm must also satisfy the criteria for selection and must be capable and businesslike and have the facilities and resources to support the individual panel member.

A qualified LAWYER offers an independent service with unique consumer protection:

• Compulsory professional indemnity insurance against negligence

• Independent complaints system

• Independence, integrity and guaranteed confidentiality.

• Complex training and entry requirements to the solicitors' profession

• Compulsory program of continuing education.

• The Law Society admits only 'fit and proper persons' to the profession.

• Annual practising certificate guarantees proper qualification

• Compensation fund which ensures that the public will not suffer financially

The Law Society governs the behaviour of solicitors:

• A LAWYER must act in his client's interest except when it conflicts with a solicitor's duty to uphold justice.

• A LAWYER must not act in conflict with any client

• All information must be confidential

• The solicitor must have a separate account for clients' money

LAWYER must have adequate experience before they can either supervise an office or set up on their own.

It's a fallacy to think that all LAWYER are the same and just going to your local High Street solicitor could be a big mistake. The law is a very wide discipline and like everything else in life there are specialist for each part of the law. Most lawyers will take on a PERSONAL INJURY claim if it walks in through the door, but just how good is he at proving liability and maximising your compensation claim. You'll probably never know and if you do find out it will probably be too late to do anything about it. The experience and knowledge of the person who handles a damages claim has a real and tangible effect on the chances of success. For this reason the Law Society has an accreditation scheme and commends quality specialists in this area of law by awarding them a place on their panel of PERSONAL INJURY experts provided that they and also their firm satisfy rigorous standards.

PERSONAL INJURY solicitors who are Law Society panel members are committed to gaining the maximum compensation for their clients if they have suffered physical damage through no fault of their own. Specialist accident solicitors realise that certain claims have to be handled with great sensitivity and not only work towards gaining compensation, but also help support the client throughout these difficult times. Recovering money can never properly compensate for a tragic accident but money can relieve the added stress of financial difficulties and make life easier.

If you have been injured in an accident within the last three years that wasn’t your fault you should contact us. You will receive a complete professional service from lawyers who specialise in claiming compensation for PERSONAL INJURY caused as a result of an accident.

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Saturday, September 09, 2006

Peritoneal Mesothelioma Information


(an information for health provider)

Peritoneal mesothelioma is defined as an uncommon form of mesothelioma cancer. It is defined Peritoneal Mesothelioma because it appears as a tumor in the peritoneum membrane of the abdomen.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma occurs in people with a history of exposure to asbestos. The disease is exceptionally rare in those who have not been exposed. It is most common in males between 40 and 50.

Symptoms of Peritoneal Mesothelioma are abdominal pains, loss of appetite and nausea, swelling of the abdomen, malaise, weakness, cough, dyspnoea, weight loss and fever.
Obstruction of the bowel (or hindered breathing) due to tumor growth may be possible.

Peritoneal Mesothelioma can be detected first by X-ray or CT scan conducted after a patient has complained of abdominal symptoms and doctors will perform a peritoneoscopy and biopsy.

There are two general types of treatments for Peritoneal Mesothelioma; systemic and localized. Systemic treatments are designed to combat the cancer through out the whole body (earlier stages or late stage). Localized treatments are to eliminate the cancer by either surgery or radiotherapy and only treat area of mesothelioma immediately.

When the peritoneal mesothelioma is detected and the cancer is growing up, it can be removed by surgery called peritonectomy. There is a high post surgery mortality rate for this operation and of course many centers will not perform peritonectomy.

Peritoneal mesothelioma is often diagnosed in end stage when a person is too ill to handle intensive chemotherapy and the goal of treatment is palliative or designed primarily to reduce its symptoms such as pain, discomfort, and weigh loss.

One source of pain and discomfort in late peritoneal mesothelioma is fluid building up inside the abdomen. This fluid or peritoneal effusion can be drained by doctor through a method of abdominal paracentesis.

Mesothelioma Information & Help can click here or here.
Your Links to Mesothelioma Information click here.

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Registry Windows XP


Jangan terkecoh dengan judul Registry WINXP yang berbeda dengan maksud “mendaftar” dalam bahasa indo nya atau Register dalam bahasa moyangnya. Saya pernah mengalami beberapa kali “error” di computer, diantaranya computer tak bisa dimatikan. Bahkan pernah saat di tempat kerja kebingungan mencari di mana drive D (drive untuk DVD/CD rom), padahal waktu itu sangat perlu tuk menginstall suatu program.

Setelah berkonsultasi dengan para sesepuh di bidang IT, ternyata itu semua ada hubungannya dengan registry winxp. Permasalahan error computer yang tak bisa dimatikan tersebut bisa diatasi dengan salah satu software untuk memperbaiki registry seperti Registry Mechanic (bisa click di sini untuk download), atau yang lainnya. Permasalahan kedua dimana drive D tidak muncul bisa diatasi dengan mengedit registry yang ada di window xp.

Dalam kesempatan ini saya ingin berbagi pengalaman dan sedikit ilmu barang kali ada manfaatnya terutama bagi rekan-rekan yang awan dalam hal IT khususnya tentang Registry WINXP tersebut. Bagi yang mau mencoba “bermain” dengan registry win xp, semoga artikel ini bisa menambah referensi.


Registry win xp merupakan kumpulan dari data windows yang digunakan untuk mengatur jalannya windows operating system. Perubahan registry pada windows bisa diatur dengan menggunakan program regedit. Caranya click START terus RUN lalu ketik “regedit” (tanpa quote), maka akan muncul 6 root keys yang masing-masing mempunyai fungsi yang berbeda seperti di bawah ini:

  1. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT menangani semua jenis file yang ada di windows dan menyimpan setting software
  2. HKEY_USER menangani semua informasi user yang aktif serta menangani setting control panel pada sistem operasi windows
  3. HKEY_CURRENT_USER menangani satu informasi user yang aktif pada sistem operasi windows.
  4. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE memuat informasi tentang hardware yang dipakai pada komputer tersebut.
  5. HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG untuk mencatat konfigurasi sistem yang ada.
  6. HKEY_DYN_DATA untuk mengetahui tingkat kinerja suatu sistem dan dalam jaringan.

Registry Untuk Win XP.

Beberapa tips dan registry dibawah ini cuma berlaku buat Windows XP.

Sebelum mengutak-atik Registry, ada baiknya melakukan backup terlebih dahulu.

1. Klik tombol Start > Run.

2. Ketik regedit dan tekan Enter setelah berada didalam jendela Run.

3. Didalam Registry Editor, pilih menu File > Export.

4. Setelah Export Registry File muncul, masukkan nama file ke bagian File Name, misalnya backup-registry dan sebagainya.

5. tekan tombol Save.

Silahkan bagi yang berminat untuk ber-“main-main” dengan registry win xp untuk mengikuti petunjuk di bawah ini. Silahkan copy paste ke dokumen masing-masing untuk bisa dijadikan referensi.

Mempercepat Update Registry

Tekan tombol Start > Log Off > Log Off.

Mengganti Wallpaper

HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Control Panel/Desktop

Klik ganda pada wallpaper dan masukkan path gambar yang diinginkan pada Value Data.

Mengganti Nama Recycle Bin


Klik ganda pada option (Default value) dan beri nama baru sesuai yang diinginkan pada Value Data.

Memunculkan Rename Pada Recycle Bin


Klik ganda pada Attributes > Edit Binary Value. Pada Value Data, ganti angka tersebut menjadi 0000 50 01 00 20.

Menyembunyikan Recycle Bin


Hapus subkey {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}, kemudian Restart komputer untuk melihat hasilnya.

Untuk memunculkannya kembali, buat kembali kombinasi angka {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}.

Tulisan lengkap tulisan lengkapnya silahkan download di sini.

Semoga bermanfaat. Amin.

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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Menteri Kedua Yang Buat Weblog

Mentri yang kedua di pemerintahan SBY ini yang buka buat weblog setelah pak juwono. Dia adalah pak Yusuf Asy'ari Mentri Perumahan Rakyat. Ternyata dunia blog dah mulai merambah ke semua lapisan, termasuk pejabat pemerintah. Selamat buat pak yusuf dengan weblog baru nya.

Liat lah mungkin akan ada menteri yang ke tiga ke empat ke lima dan selanjutnya yang akan buat weblog.

Share Knowledge to become smart

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First Aid (part 2)

Everyone Can Learn It And Everyone Should
(part 2 - end)


Control external bleeding by applying pressur over the bleeding area until bleeding stops or EMS rescuers arrive.

Methods of applying pressure include :
  • Manual pressure on gauze or other cloth placed over the bleeding source. If Bleeding continues, do not remove gauze, add more gauze on top and apply more pressur.
  • An elastic bandage firmly wrapped over gauze to hold it in place with pressure.The effectivenes, feasibility, and safety of tourniquets to control bleeding by first aid provider are unknown, but the use of tourniquets is potentially dangerous.
There is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against the first aid use of pressure points or extremity elevation to control hemorrhage.

Wound and Abrations
Irrigate wounds and abrasions with clean running tap water for more than 5 minutes or until there appears to be no foreign matter in the wound. Apply antibiotic ointment or cream only if the victim's wound is an abrasion or is superficial.

Thermal Burn
Cool with cold water as soon as possible and continue at least until pain is relieved. Brief cooling of small burns with ice water may be effective but direct application of ice to a burn may produce tissue ischemia. Avoid cooling of burns with ice or ice water for longger than 10 minutes.

Burn Blister
Loosly cover blisters with a sterile dressing but leave them intact.

Electrocution and Electrical Burns
Do not place yourself in danger by touching an electrocuted victim while the power is on. Turn off the power at its source. In case of high voltage eletrocution, such as that caused by fallen power lines, immediately notify the appropiate authorities. Do not enter the area around the victim or try to remove wires or other materials with any object, including wooden ones, until the power has turned off by knoledgeable personal.

Once the power is off, assess the victim, who may need CPR, defibrillation, and treatment for shock and thermal burns. All victims of electric shock requiere medical assessment because the extent of injury may not be apparent.

Spine Stabilization
First aid rescuer may not be able to conclusively identify a victim with a spinal injury, but they should suspect a spinal injury of injured victim. Manually stabilize the head so that the head, neck, and spine do not move and are kept in line.

Do not use any immobilization devices untill the first aid provider have a training in the proper use of these devices before using them.

Musculoskeletal Trauma : Sprains, Strains, Contusion, and Fractures
Apply cold to soft-tissue injuries. Cold application decreases hemorrhage, edema, pain, and disability. Limit each application of cold to periode less than 20 minutes and place a barrier, such as a thin towel, between the cold container and the skin.

Assume that any injury to an extremity include a bone fracture. Cover open wounds with a dressing. Do not move or straighten an injured extremity. Stabilize the extremity in the position found.

Dental Injury
  1. Handle the tooth by the crown, not the root.
  2. Clean bleeding wounds with saline solution or tape water.
  3. Stop bleeding by applying pressure with a piece of cotton for 5 minues.
  4. If there is an avulsed tooth, rinse it in water (do not scrub it), place it in milk, and bring it with you and consult to dentist.


Do not apply suction as first aid for snakebite. Suction does remove some venom but the amount is very small. In case of an elapid snakebite, wrap a bandage snugly around the entire length of the bitten extremity, immobilize the extremity, and get definitive medical help as rapidly as possible. Wrapping the extremity slow dissemination of venom by slowing lymph flow.

Cold Emergencies
Immediately begin rewarming a victim of hypotheermia. Move the victim to a warm environment, remove wet clothing, and wrap all exposed body surface with anything at hand, including blankets, clothing, newspaper, etc.

Remove wet clothing and make sure the victim does not develop hypothermia. Get the victim to medical facility as soon as possible.

Remove the victim rapidly and safely from water, but do not place yourself in danger. If you have special training, you can start rescue breathing while the victim is still in the water iff it does not delay removing the victim from the water.


Chemical Poisons
Brush powdered chemical off the skin with a gloved hand or piece of cloth. Remove all contaminated clothing and make sure not to contaminate yourself in dhe process. In case of an acid or alkali exposure the skin or eye, immediately irigate the affected area with copious amounts of water.

Ingested Poisons
Milk or Water
Do not administer anything by mouth unless adviced to do so by a poison control center.

Activated Charcoal
Do not administer activated charcoal unless you have been adviced to do so by a poison control center. Activated charcoal is effective for adsorbing toxins, but there is no evidence that charcoal administered bye a first aid provider improves outcome.

Do not administer syrup of ipecac for ingestion. There are several problem with ipecac include lethargy and the potensial hazard of aspiration during emesis.


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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

First Aid (part 1)

Everyone Can Learn It And Everyone Should
(part 1)

First Aid is assessment and intervention that can performed by a bystander (or by victim) with minimal or no medical equipment. (The National Aid Science Advisory Board). Person who gets a formal training is a first aid provider.

The education in first aid should be universal : EVERYONE CAN LEARN IT AND EVERY ONE SHOULD. And the administration of first aid must not delay activation of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system or other medical assistance when required.

What I explain follow here is 2005 First Aid Guidelines (newest). It differs from the ECC Guidelines 2000 in the increase number of topic.

The most infortant for a first aid provider is to know how to get help, how to access the EMS system, how to activate Emergency Responce Planc, and how to contact Poison Control Center.

A victim should not be moved, but there are times when you should do so :
  • If the area is unsafe for you and victim.
  • If the victim is face down and needs CPR, turn the victim face up.
  • If the victim is unresponsive, has an open airway and breathing spontaneously, turn victim to his/her side (recovery position) with the victim's hand in front
  • If th victim might have a spinal injury, it is best not to move victim or if you are alone and have to leave to get help, place victim in modified position by extending one of the victim's arm above head and rolling body to the side so that the victim's head rest on the extented arm. Bend both legs to stabilize the victim.
There is insufficient evidence to recommend using of oxygen by first aid provider.

Breathing Difficulties
The Insidence of acute asthma is increasing. First aid provider may assisst the victim in using prescribed bronchodilator medication under the following condition:
  • The victim states that he / she is having an asthma attack and has medication or an inhaler.
  • The victim is unable to administer it without assistance.

First aid provider should be familiar with the epinephrine auto-injector so that they can help someone having anaphylactic reaction self-administer. Or the should be able to administer auto-injector if the victim is unable to do so.

First aid management of seizures are :
  1. Prevent Injury
  2. Ensure an open airway
  3. Ensur the airway remains open after the seizure has ended
Protect head with pillow or other soft material. Do not restrain the victim during seizure or placing any object in the victim's mouth. It may cause dental damage or aspiration or may injure the rescuer's finger.

Place the victim in a recovery position after seizure to prevent aspiration and maintain an open airway.

(continued on next post)

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Sunday, September 03, 2006

Load an Antivirus for Your Home Network

Do you have a network? Or is your PC part of a network? May be you are in your office, home or anywhere else, you’ll find a network or you are a part in your network.

Once you connect your PCs on a network it becomes important to keep them all safe with both of a firewall and antivirus.
If a virus makes it on to one of your PCs, it can spread across your file shares then damaging and corrupting data and programs all over your network. Many latest virus and worms can exploit many kinds of home networking setups.

Virus were mostly spread by email. The last round of worms actually attached themselves to web pages on the Internet, exploited a hold in your web browser and infected computers that were simply browsing the web. It is a best action to load antivirus software on every computer that uses the internet at least.

There is one question, will antivirus software slow down a computer? Of course it will slow it down. There is no antivirus program out will run completely transparently. But would you rather loose all the data on your entire computer network or have your system work a little slower? I worried if I saw people around me losing much data because of not installing antivirus or firewall on their network. If you are a network administrator, that is your responsible.

Many Antivirus are out there now. Free or Licensed. After loading antivirus software, you must allow program to run update itself frequently. Virus will spread fast and an out of date virus database is as ineffectual as not having antivirus software loaded.

There are antivirus softwares I can mention here:

AVG antivirus (free)
Avast (free)
AntiVir Personal Edition (free)
Kaspersky AVP (not free)
McAfee (not free)
Norton AV (not free)
RAV (not free)

You have to ask yourself what antivirus can you trust all of you data with.


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Saturday, September 02, 2006


Ini test coba post pertama.
Artikel selanjutnya tentang computer akan di-post secara periodik.


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